Do you know energy dollars are escaping out of your chimney?
See why most dampers perform poorly and cost you money.
Traditional dampers are located in the “throat” of a fireplace. They are made of cast-iron and are housed in a low-tech frame work. These cast-iron dampers do not seal well – they have a leaky, rough, metal-to-metal seal.
Recent lab studies have shown that even a new throat damper can leak up to $200 of a heating and cooling a year. Imagine how much energy an old, rusted out damper leaks!
The Lock-Top Seals heat in like a thermos lid. The Lyemance shuts the door on energy loss. The Lock Top II offers the screen around the damper as an added bonus.
The High efficiency dampers ENERGY_SAVINGS seal tightly to save you money.
• High efficiency dampers have a rubber gasket seals tightly like a storm door for your fireplace, and they keep heating and cooling dollars where they should be… In you wallet.
• These Dampers mount on top of your chimney to keep out animals and rain.
• These Dampers easily operate from inside your firebox and they seal tight every time you close it, eliminating any draft.
Any questions ? Call our Office # 610 – 269 – 2422